Founded by the true and living Lord, and armed with the truthfulness of Scripture, the church of God is invincible. - Carl F.H. Henry


What is the vision for Christ the King?
To be a people who spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things through Jesus Christ. We believe it is the gospel of Jesus Christ that transforms us to be a people who love God and love our neighbor.




The Word of God Preached: We believe that when the word of God is preached, Jesus is lifted up high, and when He is lifted up, He draws all men and women to Himself.  We believe that every page of scripture proclaims Jesus and His gospel.  This gospel of grace transforms lives and culture.  And the more we understand the gospel, the more we come to find that the gospel is not just the ABC’s of our faith, it is the A to Z. We never outgrow it and move on to other things.  The Bible must never be reduced to mere moralistic teaching, but Jesus must be seen as central (even when preaching from the Old Testament).  In order to spread a passion for the supremacy of God and bring redemption to the world, the church must embody this gospel message and the preaching must reflect this week to week.  

While preaching is of utmost importance at CtK we do believe that it does not accomplish everything in God's mission which is why we place an emphasis on community.  



Francis Schaeffer said, “The call of God [is] to simultaneously practice the orthodoxy of doctrine and the orthodoxy of community in the visible church.  The latter of these we have too often but forgotten.  But one cannot explain the explosive dynamite, the dunamis, of the early church apart from the fact they practiced two things simultaneously: orthodoxy of doctrine and orthodoxy of community in the midst of the visible church, a community which the world could see.  By the grace of God, therefore, the church must be known simultaneously for its purity of doctrine and the reality of its community.  Our churches have so often only been preaching points with very little emphasis on community, but the exhibition of the love of God in practice is beautiful and must be there.”

Our desire is for our church to be visible where unbelievers are and to meet in people's homes for prayer and Bible studies.  Through our location for our worship gathering and being on mission with those in our community throughout the week , we hope to remind ourselves that, the church is not a place you go but who you are.



Seek the Welfare of our City
Our aim is not just a great church, but great communities within a great city.  Throughout scripture we see that God has a tremendous heart for the city because this is where people are concentrated.  The Bible begins in a garden but ends in a glorious city.  In heaven, we will live in a city for all of eternity.  Worshiping God together in the midst of community is the goal.  So like Jeremiah teaches, we want to identify ourselves with the city and to seek its welfare.  We believe that the gospel can transform the culture and people of a city and all the communities within it into a people who reflect the glory and goodness of God.

Encourage the Priesthood of All Believers
Every person who is a part of a church has been given gift(s) by the Holy Spirit to use for the edification of the body.  We all minister to one another in one capacity or another.  Peter said that we are all priests – meaning that we can now confess to one another, intercede for each other, encourage and if necessary, rebuke one another.  We assemble together to both minister and to be ministered to.

Practice simple rhythms of life together
As much as possible, we strive to keep the rhythm of our church simple – corporate worship on Sundays and weekly gatherings in our homes for Bible study and prayer.  We do not offer many additional programs or have numerous activities to keep ourselves busy, but hope to free up our members to be involved in their communities, get to know their neighbors, and find ways to live out and share the gospel with those around them.  We are conscious of the dangers of a church becoming so inwardly focused that they isolate themselves from the world around them.